New Fitness Goals

I didn't feel like showing ya'll a pic of me in my workout clothes... So here are my shoes.

I didn’t feel like showing ya’ll a pic of me in my workout clothes… So here are my shoes.

Y’all, I know it’s not January, but I have a New Years resolution- school year edition.

I want to get in better shape.

“But you teach Pilates, Ruth” you say. “You must be in the best shape everrr.”

And it’s true. I am in fairly good shape. I’m certainly healthy. But it can be so easy just to  lazily create my  Pilates routines and not actually do them until I teach my class. Sure, three hours a week of strength and flexibility is not bad by any means, but I feel like I should be doing more Pilates than my loyal participants!

As far as cardio goes… I don’t think walking to, from, and around campus should necessarily cut it. I’ve just gotten too good at it, and I don’t think it actually makes my heart rate increase by much.

This year, one of our goals as a group of instructors is to attend one another’s classes more. So Zumba, Werk it, Cycling, Yoga Here I Come!

I’m supposed to do everything to the best of my ability, right? I’m pretty positive that includes my job as a fitness instructor.

Today, Taylor and I are going to a 30-30-30 class at our gym. This means there will be 30 minutes of three different types of exercise formats; we don’t know what they’ll be! It will be good for us, the not knowing thing. Maybe we’ll do an exercise type we normally wouldn’t think to do. And I’ll get to show my support for a fellow instructor.

Taylor is the one excitedly jumping on the left! Check out her blog at

Taylor is the one excitedly jumping on the left! Check out her blog at

Team work makes the dream work folks.

So here’s to getting in better shape and setting a better example!

3 thoughts on “New Fitness Goals

  1. The couple of years that I took Pilates classes, I know I was in the best shape flexibility and balance wise, Ruthie. Plus I added stretching, the weight machines and walking the track at my break-neck pace for almost an hour before and after four times a week, so I was pretty tip-top. Being the only guy in the Pilates class with my dear wife Karen and 20 other women wasn’t a bad thing, either. Then Gold’s Gym got too expensive. And I slacked on everything but the walking part, around my neighborhood with Ellie B aka Dogamous Pyle and local trails.

    Hey, give us a photo above the shoes to judge how this Pilates teaching is treating your all-around mission on top of the campus walking! Just saying. Good luck with the new cross-training with Taylor. Sounds like you will be busting butt.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Pilates really is so great for flexibility, balance, and strength! Maybe you oughta get yourself some videos to do at home! I really like to do PopPilates off of youtube πŸ™‚

      I think I’m busting butt pretty good! We had a really good time at our 30-30-30 class πŸ™‚ It was step aerobics, “butt and gut”, and a stretching class all in one!


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