

Fig Newtons bring back my Maman who always brought them wherever she went. She also brought Hershey’s nuggets, her hearing aids, and multiple broaches. We always shared a room together on vacations; she would change clothes right in the open. Her unashamed nudity always shocked and embarrassed me back in the 6-year-old days. I get it now.

Ducks make me smile. I used to have a duck friend at the Disney World campsite. I fed him bread and he followed me around. We were buds.

I hate peacocks. They might be beautiful, but they are vicious. Once, a peacock chased me. I just know he wanted to peck my ears off- he was twice as big as me! I  still don’t know why everyone was laughed at my distress. Perhaps a fearful four-year-old running from a crazy peacock is humerous. Hmm.. Okay, I don’t blame them.

Chickens. I like chickens. I once had a pet chicken named Cleopatrica. I tried to name her after the beautiful Egyptian princess… I wasn’t too far off.

Hot fudge sundaes from McDonalds- they make me think of bike rides and outings with my parents. One dollar sundaes were always our biggest weakness. They still are.

Cake mixes… I always wanted to be the one to lick the bowl. All us cousins would use our fingers to scoop up as much batter as we could. No one cared about being sanitary back then. Every Thursday we made a cake. Every Thursday the batter was better than the cake itself. If we were really lucky, Grandma would have icing in the refrigerator.

Bookstores make me think of my sisters. We used to go to the bookstore all day, each reading an entire book. I was a Judy Blume kind of girl. The funny Judy Blume books like Double Fudge… Not the ones I so trustingly borrowed from the library that one time; those certainly took away some 11-year-old innocence. At the bookstore I would sit and read all day, eating giant rice crispy treats and sipping on Chai Latte. What a life.

Sprinklers- why don’t I run through those the way I used to? Am I scared to mess up my makeup?

The clock. It reminds me that it’s time to get going to the gym, and stop contemplating childhood.

14 thoughts on “Reminders

  1. So much fun, taking trips, down memory lane! Remembering all the things that bring back departed loved ones. Funny, how one of my earliest memories also includes my GrnadButton having a large jar o’ Fig Newtons on her counter!


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